Daniel J. Heit (1947 - 2018)
Dan was a founding member of PCSAR and was active in both the field and administration until health issues and a decline in the local construction industry required him to move away. Dan's unique sense of humor and down-to-earth world view contributed greatly to board meetings, training sessions and missions. In the early days, Dan was one of just a few called upon to be a mission leader.
Barbara Weleber (1948 - 2014)
When Barbara Weleber joined PCSAR in April of 2012, she was, incredibly, 64 years young. Barb was an inspiration to many people, she was very smart, kind, thoughtful, generous, strong and funny. She often expressed how grateful she was for all the friends she had made here at SAR. She had an enthusiasm for learning and adventure and was rapidly moving up the ranks when she became ill. She was a strong and avid hiker, and was always one of the first people ready to go when we got called on a mission. Even toward the end of her life she always kept her backpack ready to go "just in case". She loved the Colorado mountains and chose to live in beautiful Bailey. She was close with her three children, Jamie, Erin and Matt. She spent her last years working as a Registered Nurse at Swedish Hos-pital putting in picc lines and ports, every time she was done with a patient she would say "God Bless" to them. It is our turn to say God Bless to you Barb. She was a valued member of our team and we will miss her!
Dick Nichols (1940 - 2014)
Dick was a member and loyal supporter of our team for many years. At some point, he decided we needed two buildings for our equipment and trainings so he set about obtaining the needed funds. Today, because of his efforts, and those of many others, the Belair and Nichols buildings are a reality. When Dick was no longer able to field, he would still come down to the Nichols Building when the pager went off just to call members on the phone to inspire them to respond when we needed extra help. And if all this weren’t enough, he and his wife, Jeanie, spent quite a bit of their free time keeping the building in good condition for everyone else to use. Dick and Jeanie also helped many other agencies in Park County. He always kept everyone in good spirits with his unique and sharp sense of humor and he will be greatly missed.
Peter J. Belair (1947 - 2011)
Pete, one of our founders, died February 19, 2011. Ever an inspiration, Pete was an amazing leader and mentor for our team. He always saw the best in everyone and worked to encourage each member to use his/her own unique talents to help our Search and Rescue Team. He is sorely missed.